   About Rita

For inquires:

Phone: 940-3032



Seven years in silence

Rita Makkanaw was born in Denmark and moved with her family to northern Canada when she was nine. They were a poor immigrant family without any support. They learned to care for themselves and make life the best it could be with what they had.

Later in life Rita began to have many visions, and spiritual experiences, which she did not understand. She began her search for knowledge and wisdom to help her on her journey.

In that search she met Raven Makkanaw, a North American Native elder. He was a great teacher, a healer and a spiritual leader. They shared a deep love for each other and married.

The first seven years she spent in silence.

From Raven and other elders, she learned about all things related to life. Through visions, fasting and ceremonies she gained a deep understanding of the nature of humanity and how to create balance and harmony with each other and with nature.

She learned the old ways of communication which creates harmony and efficiency in all aspects of our lives.

Most important she learned about spirituality and how to incorporate that into every aspect of life.

Now two decades of learning from The North American Natives have passed.

With permission from elders she is now sharing some of the old knowledge of harmony and balance.



White Eagle Woman

When you know just WHO you are You値l be strong and go far.
Whatever your path
Whatever their wrath.

When you know WHO you are You値l be strong and go far. Whatever you face
Wherever your place.

When you know WHO you are You値l be strong and go far. You値l know what痴 at stake
Good choices you値l make.

When you know WHO you are You値l be strong and go far
Your spirit will sing
Happiness you値l bring.